This page last changed on May 16, 2008 by stepheneb.

An updated spreadsheet from Randy walking through QTL analysis with Dragons


Here is a first cut at what we will need in the data table.  I also tried to describe what we need to know about the strains and the markers before we choose which ones we would use in the analysis.

The other tool we need is a genome browser that we can populate with Dragon genes that looks like the browsers used for mouse and human so that when they start looking at the "real" tools they will have already used them in the model study.  See GBrowse

Here's Randy's_Table.xls, an Excel spreadsheet showing the data transformations:

Unknown macro: {excel}

Geniquest3_QTL.doc (application/msword) (application/msword)
Randy's_Table.xls (application/
Geniquest_SNP_200803 1.xls (application/
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